Exchange rate history in Canada | Currency Exchange and Check in Montreal, Canada - Arcturus Etoile

Exchange rate history in Canada  - Arcturus Etoile Currency Exchange in Montreal, Canada, proudly announces that it is currently one of the cheapest currency exchanges in Montreal, offering the best Canadian currency in cash and check to its customers. Please continue with us to learn more about Exchange rate history in Canada .

Exchange rate history in Canada  - We at Arcturus Etoile Currency Exchange in Montreal, Canada, strive to provide the best and cheapest conditions for buying and selling any currency in cash or check. You can contact us for more information using the numbers provided on the website.

The exchange rate history of Canada is a complex and ever-changing one, reflecting the country's economic and political landscape. In general, the value of the Canadian dollar has fluctuated over time, with periods of strength and weakness.

The early years

The Canadian dollar was first introduced in 1858, replacing the British pound as the country's official currency. In the early years, the dollar was relatively strong, trading at a premium to the pound. However, the First World War and the Great Depression led to a decline in the value of the dollar.

The post-war years

The post-war period saw a period of relative stability for the Canadian dollar. The dollar strengthened in the 1950s and 1960s, reaching parity with the U.S. dollar in 1971. However, the oil crisis of the 1970s led to a decline in the value of the dollar.

The floating exchange rate

In 1970, Canada abandoned the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates. This move led to a period of volatility in the value of the dollar, with the currency experiencing periods of both strength and weakness.

The recent years

In recent years, the value of the Canadian dollar has been relatively strong. This is due to a number of factors, including the country's strong economy, high interest rates, and commodity exports.

The future

The future of the Canadian dollar is uncertain. However, the country's strong economic fundamentals and favorable interest rate environment are likely to support the value of the currency in the near term.

Advantages of investing in the Canadian dollar

There are a number of advantages to investing in the Canadian dollar. These include:

  • The Canadian economy is strong and growing.
  • Canada has a low unemployment rate.
  • Canada has a stable political system.
  • The Canadian dollar is a relatively liquid currency.


The exchange rate history of Canada is a complex and ever-changing one. However, the country's strong economic fundamentals and favorable interest rate environment are likely to support the value of the Canadian dollar in the near term.

Exchange rate history in Canada  - In conclusion, we would like to remind you once again that Arcturus Etoile Currency Exchange in Montreal, Canada, is ready to provide all currency services, buying and selling various currencies in cash and check, at the most competitive prices for customers. Please contact the numbers available on the website and take advantage of the free consultations offered by this currency exchange